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Nov 02, 2015
MES Late Start Movie
November 4th is late start, first bell rings at 11:25 Movie will be from 9:15-11:25 (snacks included in fee) (**click on the picture to register on line for late start movie**)
Oct 21, 2015
MES Inclement Weather “IN” Sign
Parents, on those nasty rainy and cold days you will notice a red “IN” sign on the main entrance door. On these days we will let kids in, no earlier than 8:45 am. They will be seated along the walls in the hallway until the bell rings, then be dismissed to class.
Oct 20, 2015
MES All School Movement ~~ Halloween Style!!
Come watch the fun, Friday, October 30th, as the whole school does our ALL SCHOOL MOVEMENT on the blacktop at 9:10 am!!
MES 4th Grade Music Concert 6PM (in the gym)
Oct 14, 2015
MES Annual Harvest Moon Festival
Come join the fun at this years Mead Elementary’s Annual Harvest Moon Festival Friday, October 23rd from 4-8 pm!! Haunted Hayrides Face Painting Petting Zoo Bounce Obstacle Course Pumpkin Patch Carnival Games Halloween Costume Contest Music/Dancing Come meet “SPARKY” from the Mountain View Fire Department Harvest Moon Festival PAC 2015.pdf
Sep 25, 2015
MES School Lunch Snapshot
Attention Parents! National School Lunch Week is October 12-16 and SVVSD invites families to help us celebrate the week with Take Your Parents to Lunch Day! We are encouraging parents to find a day during National School Lunch Week to join their student for lunch, take a Lunch Selfie featuring you, your student and your […]
MES Parent Wellness Newsletter-September 2015
Parents, please find attached some information about our SVVSD Wellness Program. Parent Wellness Newsletter – September.pdf
Sep 21, 2015
Mead October Events
Upcoming October Events 7th Late Start Day, 11:25 8th Picture Day, Preschool and Kindergarten 9th Picture Day, Preschool – 5th Grade 13th – 15th Parent Teacher Conferences 3:40-8pm 16th No School 21st Vision & Hearing Screening Day (Preschool-5th Grade) 23rd Harvest Moon Festival 5-8pm 27th 4th Grade Music Concert 30th All School Movement
Sep 15, 2015
100 Mile Club Meet on Tuesday & Thursday’s from 8:20-8:50
Come join the fun!!! If you would like to register, please go online to or you can find a form in the office.
Sep 09, 2015
Mead Custodian, Jeff Pfleiger, Our Hero
Mead Elementary School, Head Custodian, Jeff Pfleiger, does the Heimlich to save a students life. For more of the story please click the link below. Story at the Times Call
Aug 12, 2015
Road Construction Around Mead Elementary
Dear Parents and Guardians: As we prepare to start a new and exciting school year we wanted to share a construction update from the Town of Mead on the improvements being made to Welker Avenue. If you have driven near Mead Elementary and Mead Middle School lately, we know you have seen the progress that […]
Aug 11, 2015
Kindergarten Assessment Testing 2015-16
On August 18th and 19th from 8:30 to 12:30 (in one hour slots) Kindergarten will be doing Assessment Testing for 2015-16 school year. Please contact the office to schedule a time for your child 970-535-4488. There will be NO school for Kindergarten on Thursday, August 20th! FIRST DAY for Kindergarten will be August 21st!!
Jun 02, 2015
Summer Reading Program
To find summer reading activites choose the file below. Library Summer Reading.pdf
Mar 05, 2015
PARCC/CMAS testing schedule
Hi Mead Families, Here you will find the PARCC/CMAS testing dates. 3rd Grade Performance Based Assessments 3/13 Math Session 1 3/16 Math Session 2 3/25 ELA Session 1 3/26 ELA Session 2 3/27 ELA Session 3 End of Year Assessments 5/7 Math Session 1 5/8 Math Session 2 5/11 ELA Session 1 4th Grade […]
Feb 20, 2015
Mead Matters February 20, 2015
Mead Matters Hi Mead Families, Technology is a great resource and one we are proud to be able to share with our students. You can partner with us by having a conversation with your child about appropriate use of technology. Below are some tips from the National Children’s Advocacy Center on how kids and teens […]
Jan 29, 2015
Shout Point 1-29-15
Hi Mead Family, We are off to a great second semester. Here is information from Mr. Sagel about our annual Schools on the Move Challenge, and you’ll also find dates and times from Mrs. Lafever about our Book Fair. We look forward to seeing you soon during conferences and are thankful for your partnership. Schools […]
Nov 04, 2014
Mead Matters Principal’s Update November 2014
Hi Mead Families, Teachers and students are working hard each day in the classroom. We have a building wide focus this year on high expectations and excellence. You can help us at home by making sure that the work your child does is excellent and complete. We are looking ahead to the new online assessments […]
Mead Matters Principal’s Update August 2014
Thank you for a great start to our 2014-2015 school year. We enjoyed seeing everyone at our back to school night, Lemonade in the Shade. It was fun to hear all of the positive comments about how great and fresh our building looks. We thank our wonderful district for the beautiful new front of our […]